MSS 501 - Rosalee McReynolds
MSS 502 - Fritz Wagner
MSS 503 - Catherine Lombardo Cormier
MSS 504 - OPSB Addendum 1 (Donated by Kenneth Ducote)
MSS 505 -
MSS 506 - Jack Stewart – Historic Faubourg St. Mary
MSS 507 - Charles Suhor
MSS 508 - Charles V. Booth Addendum 1
MSS 509 - Marda Burton Addendum 2
MSS 510 - Daniel and Bebe Alario Westwego Collection
MSS 511 - City of New Orleans Mayor 1961-62 Photo Negatives
MSS 512 -
MSS 513 -
MSS 514 -
MSS 515 - FEMA - Photos of 60 National Register Eligible Properties in New Orleans Damaged by Hurricane Katrina and Rita
MSS 516 - FEMA - Audubon - Montessori Elementary School
MSS 517 - FEMA - 4121 D'Hemecourt Street - Elevation of 3 Structures
MSS 518 - FEMA - Gentilly - Dillard University Drainage System
MSS 519 - FEMA - Drainage Pump Station 17/Sewerage Pump Station D
MSS 520 - FEMA - Oak Street Pump Station
MSS 521 - FEMA - Woodlawn High School, Braithwaite, Plaquemines Parish
MSS 522 - FEMA - Andrew J. Bell Junior High School, St. Joseph's Academy Building
MSS 523 - FEMA - Department of Public Works Complex, 838 S. Genois Street
MSS 524 - FEMA - Carrollton Power House, New Orleans Sewerage & Water Board
MSS 525 - FEMA - Carrollton Water Treatment Plant (Water Hammer Project), Orleans Parish