MSS 426 - Avondale Shipyards – Henry Zac Carter
MSS 427 - Avondale Shipyards – Bill Springer
MSS 428 - Avondale Shipyards – James Viavant
MSS 429 - Barbara Giegerich Postcards
MSS 430 - FEMA – United Bethel AME Church
MSS 431 - Overture to the Cultural Season
MSS 432 - FEMA - Sophie B. Wright High School
MSS 433 - FEMA – Gentilly Terrace Elementary
MSS 434 - UNO Federation of Teachers / UNO United Federation of College Teachers
MSS 435 - FEMA - Phase II Archaeological Data Recovery at Site 16OR213 (Stallings Gymnasium)…
Size: 1 volume
MSS 436 - FEMA – Lusher Elementary School Refurbishments
Size: 0.2 l.f.
MSS 437 - FEMA – St. Peter Claver School and Church
Size: 0.2 l.f.
MSS 438 - FEMA - Archaeological Discovery and Monitoring Program: Louisiana & Arkansas Railroad, Jefferson Davis Yard Facilities
MSS 439 - FEMA - Archaeological Monitoring and Park-Wide Repairs to Fencing, Gates, and SPS-A at Site 16OR618 (Louis Armstrong Park…)
MSS 440 - FEMA – Sewerage Pump Stations 6 and 8
MSS 441 - FEMA – Administration Building, Southern University in New Orleans (SUNO)
MSS 442 - FEMA - Engine Company #39 Fire Station, 6038 St. Claude Avenue
MSS 443 - FEMA – Phase I/II Cultural Resources Investigation of the St. Peter Claver Project Area … (Sites 16OR185 and 16OR685)
MSS 444 - National Tea and Coffee Depot Records
MSS 445 - Bultman Funeral Home, Addendum 1
MSS 446 - Joseph Laughlin Funeral Home
MSS 447 - Tharp-Sontheimer-Tharp Funeral Home, Addendum 1
MSS 448 - Tharp-Sontheimer-Laudumiey Funeral Home, Addendum 1
MSS 449 - Kenneth Kolb & Co., Advertising and Public Relations
MSS 450 - FEMA—Elevation/Wind Retrofit of Residential Structures, Orleans Parish