MSS 127 - Peter Joseph Collection
Papers from 1726 North Dorgenois Street, New Orleans, La. a residence occupied by descendants of Peter Joseph (b. [New Orleans, 1843] -- d. Denver, Colo., July 15, 1905), a black New Orleanian. Includes bills, receipts, statements, forms, memoranda, school certificates, fraternal society minutes and bank book, pamphlets, periodicals, photographs, and militia commission.
(ca. 1874-1978),
(.6 lin. ft.)
Related collections:
MSS 128 - Telling-Grandon Collection
A 29-page scrapbook/diary containing photographs and ephemera collected by an Evanston, Illinois group during a visit by train to the New Orleans Carnival of 1903. The New Orleans section includes brief references to Begu's Restaurant, Fabacher's Restaurant, Christ Church, Metairie Cemetery, St. Roch Cemetery, Tulane University,the French Opera, the U.S. Mint, Young Men's Gymnastic Club, U.S. and French battleships in port, Royal Street, the French Market, and the Rex and Proteus parades. While the scrapbook has no single author, several of the entries are signed by individuals within the group. Two of the more prominent among these were an Irving Telling and Willie Grandon; thus the title, Telling - Grandon.
(ca. 1903),
(1 volume.)
Related collections:
MSS 129 - Military Order of the World Wars, New Orleans Chapter Collection
Miscellaneous records of the New Orleans Chapter of the Military Order of the World Wars.
This collection has not been processed.
(ca. 1919-1985),
(3.6 lin. ft.)
MSS 130 - Arthur Zack Collection
Programs and correspondence relating to New Orleans Civic Symphony Orchestra and its founder Arthur Zack. Consists of photocopies of programs of the New Orleans Civic Symphony Orchestra, October 12, 1936 - March 14, 1938, and correspondence (originals and photocopies) between Cintra S. Austin and the Arthur Zack family, April 11, 1972 - June 25, 1972.
(ca. 1936-1972),
(1 folder.)
MSS 131 - Peter Joseph Collection, Addendum 1
Papers from 1726 North Dorgenois Street, New Orleans, La. a residence occupied by descendants of Peter Joseph (b. [New Orleans, 1843] -- d. Denver, Colo., July 15, 1905), a black New Orleanian. Found as a group, these papers relate to William Boysee Derricks (died New Orleans., July 14, 1957), a relative of the Joseph family. Includes a four-page holographic autobiography of Derricks.
(ca. 1930-1954),
(10 items.)
Related collections:
MSS 132 - Dr. Joseph G. Tregle Collection
Personal and academic papers of Joseph G. Tregle, Jr. (1919-2005), a founding faculty member of Louisiana State University in New Orleans (now the University of New Orleans). Includes correspondence with representatives of universities, civic organizations, and professional associations; memoranda to and from departments of the University of New Orleans; clippings; articles; journals; book reviews; speeches; mementoes; and photographs.
(ca. 1948-1979),
(8.5 lin. ft.)
Related collections:
MSS 133 - Alice W. Lyman Collection
Papers of Alice W. Lyman, consisting of personal papers (correspondence, clippings, photographs) and church and benevolent society records (ledgers, forms, correspondence, receipts, constitutions and bylaws, pamphlets).
(ca. 1918-1963),
(.5 lin. ft.)
MSS 134 - J. D. Schmidt Collection
Family papers consisting mainly of correspondence, diplomas, photographs, and miscellany. The bulk of the collection is composed of 540 original photographs (glass and film negatives and paper prints) which have been arranged by subject categories. Copy prints and negatives made by the UNO Library are identified as such.
(ca. 1900-1965),
(4 lin. ft.)
MSS 135 - United Teachers of New Orleans, Local 527 Collection
Records, including minutes; correspondence; printed matter; banking, dues, and other financial memoranda. Original titles on folders have been retained unless otherwise noted.
(ca. 1949-1972),
(13 lin. ft.)
Related collections:
MSS 136 - Southern Conference for Human Welfare Collection
Papers of Sarah Towles Reed and records of the New Orleans Public School Teachers Association (NOPSTA), later called the New Orleans Classroom Teachers Federation, a teachers' union in New Orleans. Included are family and personal correspondence, publications, teaching materials, West Feliciana Parish materials, genealogical and historical research notes concerning West Feliciana Parish; photographs, and miscellany. Also included are union legislative materials, correspondence, agenda, constitutions, publications, files, and Orleans Parish School Board documents collected and maintained by the union.
(ca. 1946),
(12 items.)
MSS 137 - Save Our Cemeteries Collection
Records produced and/or accumulated by Save Our Cemeteries, Inc., and organization dedicated to the preservation of New Orleans cemeteries; includes records of joint meetings with St. Louis Cemeteries Preservation Committee, an organization sponsored by the Catholic Archdiocese of New Orleans. Consists of photocopies of minutes, reports, memoranda, clippings, and miscellany.
(ca. 1923, 1977-1978),
(21 items.)
MSS 138 - August C. Reisig Medical Records Collection
A single manuscript volume, once the second in a series, with one letter and four notes laid in, recording medical information concerning adults and children, February 24, 1889 - October 11, 1891, written in German script, and compiled while August C. Reisig (not a physician) taught at St. John's Evangelical Lutheran School, New Orleans, La. Reisig was a teacher and/or principal at this school from 1870 to 1908. Volume lacks cover, title page, and other identifying marks. Attribution of authorship is based on internal evidence in the volume.
(ca. 1889-1891),
(1 item.)
MSS 139 - Simoneaux Collection
Miscellany of photographs, correspondence, printed material on Nell Pomeroy O'Brien, John A. O'Brien, and their families.
This collection has not been processed.
(ca. 1894-1968),
(1.5 lin. ft.)
Related collections:
MSS 140 - Dart & Dart and Prior Legal Firms Collection
A collection of manuscripts and printed works, compiled or collected by Henry Plauch Dart (1858-1934), pertaining to his career as an eminent Louisiana attorney, historian, and editor, with a few items concerning his heirs, also active in the family firm. Consists mainly of legal office files, personal and business correspondence, and financial records. Noteworthy items in the collection include files pertaining to U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Edward Douglass White, whom Henry Plauch Dart represented.
(ca. 1881-1981),
(29.5 lin. ft.)
Related collections:
MSS 141 - Turngemeinde of New Orleans Collection
Microfilm copy of bound letter book of Turngemeinde of New Orleans (April 23, 1869 - November 25, 1875, June 6, 1877); includes one page insertion, financial statement dated May 1, 1877.
(ca. 1869-1877),
(1 reel.)
MSS 142 - Italian Newspapers Collection
L'Italo-Americano, ca. 1894 - January 17, 1922, n.d.; La Voce Coloniale, August 3, 1918 - July 1964, n.d. (includes duplicate issues)
(ca. 1894-1964),
(5 lin. ft.)
Related collections:
MSS 143 - A. C. Priestley Collection
Correspondence and minutes of Board of Directors, Leland College, Baker, Louisiana; hand-colored tintype of [William G. Brown]; 2 volumes of enrollment records for McDonogh 24 School (New Orleans), 1903/4 and 1913/4.
(ca. 1903-1924),
( lin. ft.)
Related collections:
MSS 144 - Jean Lafitte National Historical Park Collection
Source materials collected by National Park Service to document historical and cultural aspects of Jean Lafitte National Historical Park. Though mainly of recent origin, materials pertain to period 1774 to 1982.
(ca. 1774-1983),
(18 lin. ft.)
Related collections:
MSS 145 - Frank B. Moore Collection
Record books, photogravure plates, apparatus, glass plate and film negatives, and paper prints from the photographic studio of Frank B. Moore. A wide range of subjects is covered, including scenes of the French Quarter, cemeteries, private industry, and individuals. Copy prints of most negatives are available. Negatives and copy prints are arranged by subject matter. The collection contains one print depicting the Medical College of Louisiana (ca. Civil War period) by Louis P. David.
(ca. 1863-1972),
(33 lin. ft.)
Related collections:
MSS 146 - Michael J. Molony, Jr. Collection
Personal files compiled by Michael J. Molony, Jr. while serving as Chairman, Governor's Citizens Advisory Committee, Comprehensive River Area Study, 1970-1974; member, Chamber of Commerce, New Orleans Area, 1970-1974; member, Goals to Grow Foundation, 1971-1973; member, Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, 1976-1981. Mr. Molony is a member of the law firm of Milling, Benson, Woodward, Hillyer, Pierson & Miller, 1100 Whitney Bank Building, New Orleans, La.
(ca. 1970-1981),
(16 boxes.)
Related collections:
MSS 147 - Orleans Parish School Board Collection
This collection houses the records of the Orleans Parish School Board, 1841 to 1998. It includes Board and Committee meeting minutes, Board correspondence, documents, directories, publications, records, architectural drawings, photographs, multi-media, and other collected materials pertaining to the schools and the operation of the school system by the Board.
Please note that the collection generally does not contain any official records pertaining to individual students, including any personal academic records or transcripts, lists of graduates, or internal records of individual schools. With very few exceptions, records of personnel or employment (e.g. teachers, administrators) are limited to only indirect sources, such as hiring and termination dates in minutes, names in school system directories, etc.
(ca. 1841 - 1998),
( ca. 1,370 lin. ft.)
MSS 149 - Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, History Committee Archives
Records, principally correspondence, reports, and memoranda.
This collection has not been processed.
(ca. 1979-1982),
(.5 lin. ft.)
MSS 150 - Dart & Dart and Prior Legal Firms Collection, Addendum 1
Additional materials and records relating to the Dart & Dart collection.
This collection has not been processed.
(ca. - ),
(4.5 lin. ft.)
Related collections: