The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR) is a currently updated version of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). It is not an official legal edition of the CFR. The e-CFR is an editorial compilation of CFR material and Federal Register amendments produced by the National Archives and Records Administration's Office of the Federal Register (OFR) and the Government Publishing Office. The OFR updates the material in the e-CFR on a daily basis. The current update status appears at the top of all e-CFR web pages
Search thousands of e-prints in scientific and technical disciplines. A distributed search across E-prints on websites and/or Databases is accomplished with a single query that returns results from multiple sources. This search allows for compilation and assimilation of data to facilitate information discovery and reuse.
Formerly NetLibrary, this collection of thousands of electronic books includes titles in all academic disciplines. These books can be searched as a collection or accessed as individual titles through our library's online catalog. ! Note - To download a book for reading on your computer, you must first set up an individual account and "checkout" the book. To read a downloaded book, install Adobe Digital Editions (free software).
You will also need to download the Blue Fire reader app in order to read books on handheld devices such as the iphone or android operating system devices.
The ECOTOXicology database (ECOTOX) is a source for locating single chemical toxicity data for aquatic life, terrestrial plants and wildlife. ECOTOX was created and is maintained by the U.S.EPA, Office of Research and Development (ORD) , and the National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory's (NHEERL's) Mid-Continent Ecology Division (MED).
ECOTOX integrates three previously independent databases - AQUIRE, PHYTOTOX, and TERRETOX - into a unique system which includes toxicity data derived predominately from the peer-reviewed literature, for aquatic life, terrestrial plants, and terrestrial wildlife, respectively.
Open access database from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). All companies, foreign and domestic, are required to file registration statements, periodic reports, and other forms electronically through EDGAR. Anyone can access and download this information for free.
EDIS is the repository for all documents filed in relation to an investigation conducted by the United States International Trade Commission (USITC). EDIS provides the capability to file documents for an investigation as well as search for documents which have been submitted to the USITC.
This research database includes bibliographic records covering areas related to educational administration, including educational leadership, educational management, educational research and other areas of key relevance to the discipline.
The Emerging American Religions, 1821-1895 collection consists of periodicals that chronicle new religious movements that were founded in America, and especially those that flourished during the nineteenth century. This collection features important periodicals devoted to Adventists, Mormons, Disciples of Christ, Holiness/Pentecostals, millennialists, and Unitarians, among others. Subjects include camp meetings, health and wellness, apologetics, and theology.
Contains bibliographic records for energy and energy-related scientific and technical information from the Department of Energy (DOE) and bibliographic records of literature in disciplines of interest to DOE such as chemistry, physics, materials, environmental science, geology, engineering, mathematics, climatology, oceanography, computer science and related disciplines.
Replaces Environment Index. This database includes more than 1,200 full-text journals and monographs, nearly 4 million records, Indexing more than 2,000 domestic and international journal titles going back 100 years and more than 180 monographs in environmental studies.
ERIC, the Educational Resource Information Center contains more than 2,200 digests along with references for additional information and citations and abstracts from over 980 educational and education-related journals.
Access to the full text of most ERIC Documents. ERIC is a nationwide information network sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education.
NOTE from the Dept. of Education (2013) -- The full text of all peer-reviewed articles and of all articles published after 2005 is released, as are the articles released through the scanning process (published prior to 2005). While we transition to a new website, users will not be able to request that PDFs be restored or submit documents for inclusion in ERIC. We will work to restore these features as soon as possible, by September (2013) at the latest. However, during this period, the PDF restoration process will continue behind the scenes.
460,000 items published between 1473 and 1800 mainly in Britain and North America. This material is from the collections of the British library and over 2,000 other libraries.
In cooperation with the John Carter Brown Library, EBSCO Publishing created a comprehensive guide to printed records about the Americas written in Europe before 1750 from European Americana: A Chronological Guide to Works Printed In Europe Relating to the Americas, 1493-1750. The database contains more than 32,000 records, and covers the history of European exploration as well as portrayals of native American peoples.